Good morning! I am writing to you from the comfort of my cozy house in front of the wood stove with a warm cup of coffee in hand, admiring the last few days of our Christmas Tree before we have to take it all down. With Christmas behind us and a new year upon us, many of us are looking into resolutions and tax return purchases.
The pandemic has left us all unsettled, to say the least, especially in our ability to get good quality food for a fair price. Our cooperative offers a way to alleviate your concerns, stock up on good quality beef, and save money while doing it.
If you are like me, you can't order things online without first seeing what you are getting. Even still, that doesn't stop me from accidentally ordering a miniature bag of sugar on occasion from clicklist when I am not careful. So, for those of you who want to see exactly what you are getting, how it comes packaged, and if it will fit in your freezer, we put together a short video demonstrating one way to customize your bulk order. This particular beef share is a 1/2 so if you are ordering a different size, adjust accordingly.
Visit our website to get more information on the right amount for your family and what cuts you can order. We also offer predesigned packages for those who don't really want to spend time customizing your order. Call us at 937-403-4135 if you have any questions!
Take care and stay warm my friends!