What are my options?
We offer 1/4, 1/2 and whole beef buying options for those interested in buying in bulk directly from our farms and stocking up a chest freezer. These options mean you are purchasing a 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef.
Buying in bulk is a popular option for individuals and families who have the space to stock up, in order to save money on meat purchases - as well as appreciating the opportunity of knowing how their beef was raised and who raised it.
A Quarter beef
Approx. 190 lbs hanging weight @ $4.80 per lb
Price includes cutting, vacuum-sealed packaging, and freezing.
Everything gets cut and wrapped to your specifications.
Approx. 40% loss through cutting (bones and fat removed)
When you order a quarter beef, you are getting a quarter of all cuts (hind and fore quarters).
Example: 190 lbs x $4.80 = $912.00
190 lbs x 0.4 = 76 lbs loss, meaning your quarter will be about 114 lbs of meat in the freezer
This is an estimate. The amount varies depending on cutting instructions.
A Half beef (also called a Side of Beef)
Approx. 380 lbs hanging weight @ $4.70 per lb
Price includes cutting, vacuum-sealed packaging, and freezing.
Everything gets cut and wrapped to your specifications.
Approx. 40% loss through cutting (bones and fat removed)
Example: 380 lbs x $4.70 = $1786.00
380 lbs x 0.4 = 152 lbs loss, meaning your half will be about 228 lbs of meat in the freezer
This is an estimate. The amount varies depending on cutting instructions.
A Whole beef
Approx. 775 lbs. hanging weight @$4.60
Price includes cutting, vacuum-sealed packaging, and freezing.
Everything gets cut and wrapped to your specifications.
Approx. 40% loss through cutting (bones and fat removed)
Example: 775 lbs x $4.60 = $3,565.00
775 lbs x 0.4 = 310 lbs loss- meaning your half will be about 465 lbs of meat in the freezer
This is an estimate. The amount varies depending on cutting instructions.